News from ADI Brazil
The ADI Brazil Chapter members dedicated energy and focus during 2020, identifying and developing solutions to face the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. We have strengthened our connections with the main stakeholders of Brazilian Dentistry. The innovative aspects of our work allowed support from ABCD, APCD, ABO, CFO, CROSP, CRORJ, and ABIMO as well as the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Our focus is the integration of the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 agenda, in Brazilian Oral Health perspectives. Literacy social practices, universal health coverage, and the Minamata Convention on Mercury are the fields we have developed a stronghold position.
ADI Brazil members have conducted relevant individual and group projects, as well as engaged in highly relevant public policy debate:
During the pandemic crisis, ADI Brazil was represented by Prof. Claudio Fernandes, in the project personal protective equipment (PPE) Qualification Center - Nova Friburgo. The project was granted US$350.00,000 for improving research, development, and innovation for overviewing the quality of PPE in the Brazilian market. The objective is to guarantee the quality of products made in Brazil and to support the industry in adapting production lines from textile industry, using technology and training. The project was one of those contemplated by the call for Emergency Action Projects to Combat the Effects of COVID-19, by the government of Rio de Janeiro, and will have financial support from the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Faperj) and the State Department of Health. Twenty-three researchers are involved in the project, under the vice-coordination of the professor at the Nova Friburgo Health Institute, of the Fluminense Federal University (ISNF/UFF), Claudio Fernandes. [Figure 1] – PPE testing equipment
In order to support the health sector professionals exposed in the disease frontline, ADI Brazil supported the FACE SHIELD NOVA FRIBURGO ([Figure 2a] - Face Shield NF Logo) initiative to produce and distribute over 100.000 units, free of cost to health professionals in need ([Figure 2b] Face Shield NF worn by dentist in Nova Friburgo Health Clinic in Brazil). The project was born when several people and institutions decided to donate their time and resources to a noble cause: protecting those on the front lines of the battle against COVID-19 - healthcare professionals! FaceShield NF was developed by professors from UFF and UERJ from Nova Friburgo together with the company Persona 3D. The project is not for profit and the production of face protectors was entirely donated to health institutions to make up for a lack of PPE in this area. The product consists of three items: the visor holder, the visor, and a back elastic. These are produced collaboratively between different partners and respecting a rigorous manufacturing process. Different companies and institutions produce each of the three components of our apparatus:
BRASKEM – Produces the visor barrier
STAM Group and Thulerflex - Produce the visor holders by injection moulding
Firjan-Senai - Senai Nova Friburgo’s FabLab performs the laser cutting of the visors
HAK - Produces and donates the posterior elastic
Intimate sigh - Industrial cut of the back elastic
ADI Brazil, together with ABCD, has also co-led a 40 h online course. Represented by Dr. Liana Bastos FreitasFernandes, Science Director of the ADI Brazil board, the oral health literacy program APRENDENDO A SORRIR was held free of charge to 452 elementary school teachers on science and health literacy for sustainable healthy habits. The course benefited over 9.000 children in Nova Friburgo [Figure 3] – Cover page of the E-book oral health literacy the oral health literacy program APRENDENDO A SORRIR – Teachers Book. Pedagogical Pathways to Science and Health Literacy. A special welcome msg to the course participants was recorded by the ADI President, Dr. Gerhard Seeberger. [Figure 4] – ADI Past President Dr. Gerhard Seeberger welcome address to the oral health literacy the oral health literacy program APRENDENDO A SORRIR – LEARNING TO SMILE
ADI Brazil also supported the ZERO WATER DAY PROJECT, represented by Luis Eduardo Carneiro Campos, 2 schools of Nova Friburgo in the pilot project developed by Julian Fisher from Berlin Charite University with participation of 26 elementary schools in 14 countries, UNESCO, FAO and WHO. The participating schools in Nova Friburgo are located within the Three Peaks Rio de Janeiro State Forest Park. The initiative includes health and science literacy content to promote the importance of safe water to human health [Figure 5] - Zero Water Day participating school in rural area of Nova Friburgo, Brazil 4. Alberto Fernandes Moreira, board member of ADI Brazil Chapter has published in the June 2020 issue of the Journal of Global Oral Health, a report presenting the activities of the institutional relations board office in the past 3 years mandate: The purpose of the office is to support the ADI mission of sharing knowledge to serve the dental health needs and to improve the quality of life of people throughout the world. The goal envisioned is to forward ADI advocacy, taking and consolidating the mission of the academy to various sectors of Brazilian society
We also collaborated with ADI Central Office, organizing the ADI Response to the UNESCO/WHO GLOBAL CONSULTATON on the initiative “Making Every School a Health Promoting School” for the development and promotion of Global Standards for Health Promoting Schools
Together with other leading associations from academics, regulatory, clinical, and industry stakeholders in dentistry, ADI Brazil participated in a national effort to support Brazilian dentists and to strengthen the importance of oral health care during the COVID-19 crisis. ADI Brazil was represented by Claudio Fernandes acting as member of the scientific committee. TODOS PELA ODONTOLOGIA was launched on June 2020 with the LIVE session The social media campaign reached 514.489 people during June-December. [Figure 6] – Dr. Claudio Fernandes ADI VP of Education presenting to the online forum TODOS PELA ODONTOLOGIA - ALL FOR DENTISTRY in Brazil
The experience developed with the “CHAPTER” status has encouraged our group to apply for a “SECTION” status within the ADI global structure
After the election of Dr. Claudio Fernandes for the position of ADI VP of Education, the Brazilian Section is undergoing re-organization. Dr. Liana Fernandes is acting as interim president.